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Wednesday 25 June 2014

Best Skin Care Tips for Women to Look Gorgeous in their 30s

Best Skin Care Tips for Women to Look Gorgeous in their 30s

The big thirty is the turning point in every woman’s life. Apart from the hormonal changes in your body, it also means an onslaught of certain beauty and skin related issues that you might not have cared about before. If you have reached your thirties, or are about to, the good news is that by following some easy tips and changes in your beauty regime you can still boast of soft and supple skin.

Start reading the labels

There are plenty of products in the market that you can invest in to maintain your skin’s health and looks. But, do remember to read the label on the jars before purchasing. Dermatologists and skin care estheticians often talk about ingredients that you must look for in your beauty products. For women in 30s, here are the most common ones we heard them talking about:
  • Hyaluronic acid adds plumpness to the skin.
  • Vitamin C brightens the skin tone.
  • Niacinamide reduces dark blemishes on the face.
  • Glycolic acid helps to improve your skin’s texture, and reduces signs of wrinkles.
Products with lanolin must be avoided as they can block the pores and products with alcohol content can dry the skin out further.

Anti-ageing products

The market is filled with many anti-ageing products that promise instant tightening and rejuvenation of the facial skin. However, know must know the product better before purchasing. For example, go for wrinkle creams that have Cynergy TK, which is a powerful anti-ageing ingredient to look for, to maintain a youthful skin.
Dr. David Bank, the president of New York State Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery, also suggests women to look for Alpha hydroxyl acid cleanser and retinol (vitamin A) enriched products.

Revamp your beauty routine now

It is more important than ever to maintain the cleansing, toning and moisturising routine for your skin at this point of life.
  • According to ace dermatologist, Dr. Jeannette Graf, a pH balanced cleanser is a must-have in your beauty kit. It helps to maintain the delicate moisture barrier of your skin.
  • Dr. Graf also adds that the best time to exfoliate is at night, after your skin has been exposed to the harsh elements and the skin can rejuvenate overnight.  Exfoliation should always be gentle, and should be followed by a moisturiser.
  • Also, do not allow makeup to stay on your face before you go to bed, not only does it block the pores, but may react negatively with your skin too.
  • Apart from this, also start applying an eye cream daily. For an eye cream look for ingredients like vitamin C, hydroquinone, kojic acid, and licorice if you have dark circles. For those with puffy eyes, should look for creams that contain caffeine and hyaluronic acid to keep your eyes moisturized.
  • A broad spectrum UVA/UVB sun block must be used every single day without fail.
  • Invest in a good night cream, with the ingredients we have already mentioned. Night serum or cream with retinols is a good investment for women in 30s.

Bath and beyond

Did you know that harsh chemicals in soap, wash away the moisture from your skin? So, invest in a moisturising body wash instead. Take lukewarm showers of five minutes or less to prevent pruning of skin. After-bath moisturising creams are great for locking in moisture and must be applied daily.
Dr. David Bank, also suggests that you should look for moisturisers that have active vitamin A (retinol) and vitamin C in them. Also, using a rich body cream at least twice daily can keep your skin smooth and moisturised.

Go natural

It is best to trust natural ingredients and homemade remedies for your skin, irrespective of whatever your age is. Use ingredients like milk, cream, honey, etc. for your skin care on regular basis.
Here is a great face scrub/mask for you to try:
Mix a tablespoon of oatmeal and honey each with two tablespoon of yoghurt. Apply this paste on your skin and keep it on for five minutes, before rinsing it off.

Hair care

There is no reason why your hair must suffer with age. Applying hair masks once a week, oiling every other day, and using the correct products will result in healthy lustrous hair.
As Tony Pearce, Pantene's Expert Trichologist suggests, add foods rich in iron, zinc, protein and vitamin D in your daily diet.

Food and health regime

The thirties are a time when you have to consider before putting anything on your plate. Healthy food will go a long way in ensuring that your skin and hair look fantastic, as well as keep you fit. Stay away from oily and spicy foods, and stick to fruits and green leafy vegetables.
Exercise is a must in order to keep yourself fit. Walking, for example, is a wonderful way to detox the skin while reducing stress levels. 8 glasses of water daily is also good for flushing out toxins. 

Thursday 12 June 2014

7 Most Thrilling Honeymoon Destinations for Adventure Lovers

7 Most Thrilling Honeymoon Destinations for Adventure Lovers

If you are planning for your honeymoon, but do not wish to look at the typical, mushy options, here is something that will definitely interest you. For couples who enjoy adventure, and get an instant high with the rush of adrenaline, here are seven exciting options for you. Apart from several romantic opportunities to celebrate your relationship, these places have crazy options like diving with sharks and running with bulls, to heli-skiing and sand surfing! Choose any of these, and you will experience thrill like you never imagined.

1. Bridge Climbing in Sydney

The most urbane version of mountain climbing, bridge climbing is a fairly new concept that is less strenuous, but much more thrilling. The Sydney Harbour Bridge is one of the very few bridges that offer a spectacular view.

The scaling takes around 4 hours, and you are treated with an unobstructed view of the beautiful city- a memory that will make your honeymoon even more special.

2. Polar Bear Plunge in Canada

Did you know that freezing cold water dips are great libido-boosters? Well, this one is the perfect choice for adventurous honeymooners. Canada’s famous Polar Bear Plunge, or cold water swimming, attracts tourists from all over the world in the winters. There are numerous Polar Bear Swim Clubs in Canada that offer to guide you perfectly with this unique experience. However, one must agree that this is not for the weakhearted.

A dip in the freezing waters in the chilling months of December and January, with your beloved can offer you something that you must have not thought of ever before! Apart from boosting your sex drive, they test your endurance too! What more can you ask for on an adventure honeymoon trip?

3. Heli-skiing in Switzerland

Whether you are a passionate ski-lover or simply wish to experience it with your sweetheart, then heli-skiing in the romantic Switzerland is just for you. The sheer excitement of being dropped at a snow-covered mountain by a helicopter is enough to get your adrenaline pumping.
Zermatt, in Switzerland, has one of the best heli-skiing operations in the world. After being lifted to the mountaintop by a helicopter, you ski downhill, following a rugged path. This is a high-risk activity, but equally enthralling nonetheless.

4. Shark Cage Diving at Cape Town

If you don’t mind going to any extent to quench your thirst for adventure and thrills, shark cage diving is a must-try for you. It is an opportunity to get up, close and personal with the world’s deadliest mammal- shark in Cape Town, South Africa. 
Here, you can get as close as possible with the scary sharks, with just a galvanized steel cage separating you.

5. Sand boarding in Dubai

The desert alternative of sea surfing and skateboarding is sand surfing or sand boarding, which is an exciting activity for any adventure lover. This is a fantastic way to experience the thrills of skateboarding a midst the unending golden sand dunes.
So, once you are done enjoying shopping and fine dining in Dubai, you can hop on a desert tour that involves sand boarding, which most hotels and resorts offer. Swooping down the shimmering sandy slopes, crisscrossing through the desert with your sweetheart will definitely make your honeymoon even more amazing. 

6. Ice Climbing at The Rockies

If the conventional rock climbing does nothing for you, then you must try the extreme ice climbing at The Rockies in Canada. Climbing frozen waterfalls and ice falls with your partner will be an ultimate experience for you, we are sure. 
Ice is much more fragile and risky than rocks, giving the climbers much more thrill and excitement than rock or mountain climbing.

7. Running with the Bulls in Pamplona

Alright, so we saved the most adventurous and terrifying (for many!) experience for the end. Remember the last scene from Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara? Yes, we are sure you get the idea. You can test your extreme fears by participating in the famous San Fermin Festival in Pamplona, Spain, where you (literally) run for your life as a group of raging bulls chase you!
Just make sure to follow all instructions given by your guide before you jump in. Despite being a highly dangerous sport, it is loved by adventure seekers all over the globe! 

Monday 9 June 2014

5 Easy Exercises

5 Easy Exercises that Guarantee You a Great Time in Bed

Physical intimacy forms an important part of married life. It helps to strengthen the bond of love and trust between the couple. But not all relationships have a smooth sailing in the bedroom. There are some intimate problems that can make your personal life tad stressful. Constant physical dissatisfaction can easily reflect in your daily activities. Such situations often lead to couples looking for ways to remedy this problem.
If you are one of those who have tried pills, therapies, counselling session, etc., but are still not quite satisfied, why not try something easier? We have five easy exercises for you, which when done regularly, can enhance your “between the sheets” moments dramatically! 

1. Kegel Exercise

One of the most recommended and popular exercises to enhance lovemaking, is the Kegel exercise. This form of exercise might seem very simple, but what it does is something huge. Kegels help strengthen the pubococcygeus (PC) muscles. These muscles support the pelvic organs, including the reproductive ones, the rectum and the bladder. With these exercises, women have reported much more satisfaction, as it tightens the vaginal muscles, especially for women who have just had a baby. For men too, these exercises help to deal with erectile dysfunction.
How to do it:
  • This is a simple exercise, which you can do anywhere anytime, either sitting or lying down.
  • As you inhale, contract your pelvic muscles, as if holding the urge to urinate.
  • Hold for a few seconds, and slowly as you exhale, release the muscles.
  • You can start with 10 to 20 squeezes a day, and work your way up to 100 to 200 squeezes every day.

2. Squats

We are sure that you know how squats work wonders to shape your butt and legs. But did you know that this rather simple, do-it-at-home exercise can give a huge boost to your libido as well? Squats enhance blood flow to the right places, and energise you with a healthy “drive”. Also, while doing this exercise, several muscles are put to work, thus building stamina as well.
How to do it:
  • Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Keeping your back straight, bend your knees slowly. In a controlled manner, gradually lower yourself down. While you go lower, stretch your hands straight in front of you.
  • Keep the weight steady on your feet and upper thighs, and not on your knees. Pretend sitting on an imaginary chair.
  • Try to maintain this position for 8-10 breaths.
  • Slowly come back to the original standing position.
  • You can hold light weights in your hands to make it more intensive. 

3. Pelvic Lifts

Here is a move that will not only boost blood flow to enhance your performance, but also strengthen the muscles that are most involved during the act. It helps make the core muscles and the lower back strong.
How to do it:
  • Lie down on your back, with knees bent and feet on the ground, shoulder-width apart.
  • Gradually lift your pelvic region, keeping your hands by your sides.
  • Hold your abdominal muscles and tighten the glutes. Lift yourself higher, with shoulders firm.
  • Hold the posture for 5-10 seconds.
  • Slowly get back to the lying down position.

4. Bicep Curls

You might wonder how working out your arms can boost your act in the bedroom. But here is the surprise- apart from toning up your arms, this strength exercise releases testosterones, which is a major hormone responsible to enhance the “desire and drive”.
How to do it:
  • Take a pair of weights, one in each hand.
  • Slowly lift your arm, bending at the elbow and curling up.
  • Repeat 15 times, without giving any jerks and breathing steadily. 

5. Aerobic exercises (done together)

There have been numerous studies to show that when couples workout together, their physical bonding increases, and lovemaking improves drastically. The best way to make the most of your fitness routine is by doing some form of aerobic activity together. Running, cycling, jogging, swimming or dancing, are great options.
Aerobic activity helps to boost testosterone, especially in the middle-age when the hormone declines. And, as we mentioned before, testosterone is very important when it comes to making love. That apart, aerobic exercises also help you stay in perfect shape, which again, is something that can increase the desire to get intimate.

Sunday 8 June 2014

5 surprising secrets for a flatter stomach

5 surprising secrets for a flatter stomach

Stop doing so many crunches

Most people think that to achieve a flat, toned stomach you need to do a thousand crunches every morning before work, but that’s just not true. The surprising secret is that doing lots of ab specific exercises will only help you tone that area on a short-term basis, if at all.
To get the flat stomach you want, you have to work your entire core, building up its strength and flexibility. Doing exercises like Pilates or stability ball work will help you do this. Working your core is the key to achieving a flat stomach because it works all of the muscles in your stomach area, such as the rectus abdominis, your internal and external obliques and your transversus abdominis.

Stock up on whole grains

A study that was published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition discovered a surprising secret for a flatter stomach. The study gave participants a healthy diet to eat, consisting of fruit, vegetables, low-fat dairy products, meat and fish. However, they gave one set of participants wholegrain foods to eat and the other set of participants refined grain foods.
At the end of the study those participants who had eaten the wholegrain foods had lost more weight from their stomachs than those who ate the refined grain foods. The researchers believe that the participants who ate more whole grains and ate less refined carbs lost more from their waistlines because this change in diet mobilised people’s fat stores because of a shift in their glucose and insulin response. If you want to swap refined grains for whole grains, eat less yeast-based breads, pasta and cakes or cookies and eat more foods such as oats (which contains as many antioxidants as broccoli and spinach), brown rice and wheat berries.

It may seem as though sleep has nothing to do with your dream of having a flat stomach, but it does. If you don’t get enough sleep then your hormone levels change, which can make you feel hungry and can also make you feel less satisfied once you have eaten. This can lead to overeating. Plus those late nights watching TV or going out with friends gives you more time to snack and reach for unhealthy foods.
So, how much sleep should you be getting? The Mayo Clinic advises adults that they should sleep for no less than seven hours a night. If you struggle to get this much sleep make sure you are exercising regularly, that you don’t nap during the day and that  you eat foods that contain tryptophan (an amino acid that helps you sleep), such as chicken, milk and yoghurt.

Time your meals

If you eat food quickly then you might find that you are eating more than you actually need to. Slowing down the pace you eat meals at will help you to achieve a flatter stomach because you will eat smaller portions. Also a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism found that eating quickly did not allow the hormone that makes you feel full to kick in. Therefore when eating quickly you are far more likely to eat more than is necessary.
To stop eating so quickly you should make sure you eat at your dining table and do not eat in front of the TV. Concentrating and savouring what you are tucking into will help slow down the rate you eat at. You could also set a timer and try to consciously slow down so that you eat the last bites of your food when the timer goes off. Also, a study found that soft lighting and gentle music helped participants eat less quickly so you could always dim the lights and put on some Enya too.

Tuck into some enzymes

An enzyme that will help you achieve a flatter stomach is called bromelain and it can be found in pineapples. The bromelain enzyme digests protein and is called a proteolytic enzyme. It is useful for those who want a flatter stomach because it aids the digestion of foods that are high in fibre, such as beans or vegetables. By aiding the digestion of these foods this enzyme eases bloating, which is a major obstacle that stands between many people and their flat stomachs.
If you want to get a flat stomach and think the bromelain enzyme might help you to achieve this then you should eat some fresh pineapple before a meal to aid your digestion. The enzyme can also be taken as a supplement.

Monday 2 June 2014

7 step plan to get really fit

Setting a fitness goal is just the start. Sticking to it requires a battle strategy

Did you spend the weekend wondering how we are already in March and that tyre you'd vowed to lose during the new year only seems to have grown bigger? Well, you're not alone and it's not a good thing. Most of us have fitness goals that we want to achieve (we really do), but aren't able to because we don't factor in actually planning and working towards the goal (after all, running 5 km every morning does mean waking up an hour earlier, which means sleeping an hour earlier and so on).

But don't lose heart. There's a way out of this vicious circle, just read on.

Step 1: Write it down 
What do you want to do? Lose weight, lose inches or just be able to climb five flights of stairs without feeling out of breath? Whatever it is, put it down on paper and keep it in your line of vision (either on the fridge, cupboard or work desk). Remember to also chart your progress. As you inch closer to your goal. It will keep you motivated.

Step 2: Run the obstacle course 
Have you thought about why you never ended up sticking to your last running regime? Probably because you wanted to do it at 5 am, when you have never woken up before 6. Your body isn't going to suddenly start waking up at a different hour, especially if it foresees a gruelling workout ahead. Squeeze your workout within your working day — if morning isn't possible, you can walk/run after you return in the evening. Instead of hitting the promenade which might not seem very inviting after certain hours, walk for an hour within around your housing complex. Figure out what's holding you back and how you can work around it. Do the same with your diet. Switching from butter naans and chicken to soups and salads overnight will only leave you craving for a midnight snack.

Step 3: Get a partner 
There's nothing better than company to keep you on your toes. But choose the right one. Someone who will wake you up when you want to hit the snooze button, someone who will encourage you to push yourself harder and someone who you feel slightly competitive with. Your partner, if you can't afford a personal trainer, should enjoy the same kind of workouts. No point pairing up with a gym rat if you prefer a run under the sun.

Step 4: Set weekly targets 
No one went from couch to 5K in a day. While your own goal may be to lose 10 kg, figure how much you can achieve in a week. It could be just 500 gm, but hey, that's something too.

Once you are well on your way to losing the 10 kg don't make life tough for yourself by adding more goals to the programme — Deepika's waist or Ranveer's torso. Focus on one thing alone. When you have lost the weight and maintained it for a good six months, up your ante.

Step 5: Be flexible
You couldn't hit the gym today — your gym tee shirt which you washed last night has still not dried. What will you wear? Or perhaps the less frivolous, you missed your gym hour, now what? Hit the road. Go for a walk. If there's no time for a sustained onehour workout. Give yourself six 10-min breaks through the day for push-ups, stretches and crunches. All you have to do is miss your coffee and gossip break.

Step 6: Change routine 
The same routine, like the same meal, can get boring. Even if it's pizza or cupcakes. Factor in the boredom. You will feel it someday. Every week or so, change your workout session — either a change in the route or a variation in the workout. Carry a skipping rope and do a few jumps in between two rounds of walking. If you have access to a pool, ditch the gym for the water. Even a change in your workout playlist could motivate you.

Step 7: Rest 
Every one needs a day of rest. You do too. Factor that in. If you fear you will lose momentum, go for a lighter workout — say a stroll or a slow swim or a game of tennis/badminton/ squash with your workout partner. It will refresh your mind and get you back on the run.