Saturday 5 December 2015

Hacking triggers cyber war on Pak websites

THIRUVANANTHAPURAM: "Security is just an illusion," a suspected Pakistani hacker posted on the state government website after hacking it. Within hours, a group that identified itself as 'The Mallu Cyber Soldiers' retaliated and by evening, rendered more than 120 government and private Pakistani websites inaccessible.

The Indian hackers also tracked down the Facebook page of the suspected Pakistani national behind the cyber crime. It turned out that the hacker, Faisal Afzal, using the ID Faisal 1337, has been in the habit of hacking into the websites of governments, universities and other institutions.

On September 23, he had also hacked into the website of Chennai Customs and in August, the website of the Indian Boxing Federation.

The hacking of the government website,, was detected around 8am on Sunday. The hacker, besides the message on "security," also posted a picture of the Indian tricolor on fire. The site was restored after around 12 hours. The state cyber police have registered a case.

Later in the day, Faisal hacked another site,

The series of hacking, though appealing to the so-called cyber warriors and their followers, has left the officials worried.

State IT mission director K Mohammed Y Safirulla said the government was worried over a possible backlash following the afternoon's developments.

"I met the principal secretary and discussed the issue. Officials concerned have been asked to stay vigilant," he said. The framework of many government websites were not updated for the past five years.

"Hence, an immediate overall up-gradation is not possible," he said.

The hacking triggered a flurry of online activity, with 'The Mallu Cyber Soldiers' defacing Pakistani websites. Soon other groups, New World Hacktivists, Hell Shield Hackers and Interanon joined the 'cyber soldiers'.

In October last, Pakistani hackers had defaced actor Mohanlal's website. Though the website was restored in 20 minutes, hackers here retaliated and posted the actor's photographs on several Pakistani websites.


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